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Tuesday 2 February 2021

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Monday 1 February 2021

   How to Become a Bodybuilder

                                          : The Top Tips You Should Know

Their intention is not just to look good, but great. They want to reach extreme levels of muscularity and leanness. They want to step on stage and compete as a bodybuilder. 

Are you interested in learning how to become a bodybuilder? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for answers to all your most pressing bodybuilding questions.

Reasons to Pursue Bodybuilding

Some people, the question isn’t necessarily how to be a bodybuilder to how to become a female bodybuilder. Their questions are more along the lines of “Why would someone want to be a bodybuilder?”

There are actually a lot of benefits that come with participating in the sport (yes, it’s a sport) of bodybuilding, including the following:

Increase your confidence

Challenge yourself to do something new

Gain a more thorough understanding of fitness and nutrition

Feel empowered by setting and sticking to a goal

Learn self-discipline

This last point is especially important. If you want to compete and do well as a bodybuilder, you have to be a highly disciplined individual. It’s not easy to do, but you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you dial things in and demand excellence from yourself. https://mixi.mn/?a=171506&c=11545&p=r

Who Should Pursue Bodybuilding?

Those benefits of bodybuilding sound pretty great, don’t they? Before you decide to dive headfirst into the bodybuilding world, though, it’s important to note that it’s not for everyone. Some people are better cut out for this type of competition than others, including the following:

Those who have enough time and energy to dedicate to consistent training and dieting (preparing for a bodybuilding competition is a months-long process that needs to be taken seriously)

Those who do not have a significant amount of weight to lose (if you are very overweight or obese, you’ll have a much harder time getting down to competition-levels of leanness)

Those who have taken time to build a sufficient amount of muscle (remember, in order to win a bodybuilding competition, you must be muscular and lean, not just skinny)

Those who do not have a history of disordered eating

Those who have the funds to dedicate to competition prep (paying a trainer or coach, paying competition fees, buying a competition suit, traveling to competitions, etc.)

Those who are able to accept criticism and lose with grace

It’s important to assess your reasons before you decide to embark on a bodybuilding journey, too. What are you hoping to get out of being a bodybuilder? Are you pursuing these goals because you want to challenge yourself and your fitness, or are you trying to mask your insecurities?

The answers to these questions are very important, as they will help you determine whether you have the right mindset to compete in bodybuilding.

How to Become a Bodybuilder

If you’ve assessed your motivations and situation and decided that bodybuilding is right for you, it’s time to get down to brass tacks. If you want to become a bodybuilder and have a good chance of winning when you step on stage, here are some steps you’ll need to take:

Choose a Show

Start by figuring out when you want to compete. When choosing a show, remember that it takes several months to get to a place where you can stand up against other bodybuilders and have a chance of beating them.

Don’t choose a show three months away if you’re nowhere near stage-ready. Be honest with where you are right now and look for a realistic show date. Be sure to consider how much time you need to spend building muscle before you try to shed body fat and lean out, too.

Plan Your Workouts

Next, think about how you’re going to phase your workouts leading up to your show.

This is another time where brutal honesty is required. Which aspects of your physique need the most work? Do you need to focus on building muscle in your glutes or shoulders, for example?

Assess yourself and figure out where you need to place the most emphasis during your workouts.

Plan Your Meals

A clean, healthy diet is essential if you want to be a competitive bodybuilder. When you start dieting for your show, you’ll need to make sure you’re eating in a calorie deficit and tracking your macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) with precision https://mixi.mn/?a=171506&c=11545&p=r.

Consider whether you need to “bulk” before dieting, too. This involves eating in a calorie surplus to help your body put on muscle. If you do plan on bulking prior to your show, you’ll need to make sure you have enough time to diet down to an appropriate stage weight beforehand. 

Hire a Coach or Trainer

If all this is sounding a bit overwhelming, you don’t have to give up on your dreams of becoming a bodybuilder. You may want to hire a coach or trainer to help you through the process, though.

A coach’s services don’t come cheap, but they’re worth it if you want to have a good chance of winning or placing well when the time for your competition rolls around.

Be Patient

Finally, be patient. A lot of people have questions like “How long does it take to become a bodybuilder?” and the short answer is “as long as it takes.”

One of the best bodybuilding tips to keep in mind is to be patient and trust the process. It’ll take several months (and often multiple rounds of bulking and dieting) for you to achieve your ideal physique, so you need to make sure you’re in it for the long haul. 

Is Bodybuilding Right for You?

Now that you know more about how to become a bodybuilder, what do you think? Are you still interested in stepping on stage and competing? If so, be sure to follow the tips discussed above to ensure your physique is stage-ready in time for your first show.

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Losing Weight One Pound at a Time

Over two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. That's quite a high percentage of adults who have a need to shed a little or a lot of fat! The only way to do this is one pound at a time!

Many overweight individuals wish and hope for a quick cure to their weight problems. They'll try anything that promises instant results! Unfortunately, these miracle weight loss products are scams! They may help a person shed some water weight, initially. But, the fat isn't going anywhere without a little effort on that person's part!

For those of you who have tried weight loss diets or are thinking about trying one, consider all the dieters who have tried the same diets and failed. The number one reason for permanent weight loss failure is the inability to stick with the diet!

Many individuals become yo-yo dieters. They try one diet for a while, lose a few pounds, quit the diet, gain back the weight (and then some), and move on to another diet. The process is repeated. With each new attempt, there is often more weight to lose than there was initially!

Successful Weight Loss Strategies

If you want to lose weight successfully, you must realize, first, that there are no miracle diets or products that will blast away the fat! You didn't gain the weight overnight! You aren't going to lose it overnight, either! You will have to put forth effort to lose the fat, one pound at a time! Even after you've shed those extra pounds, you will have to continue to work at controlling your weight, if you wish to keep the fat off!

In an article on Consumer Reports.org which rates various popular diets, Cathy Nonas, R.D., M.S., (an obesity researcher at North General Hospital in New York) states, The best diet is the one you can stay on. Consumer Reports goes on to say that adherence is importantTo maintain lost  weight, dieters must permanently reduce their calorie intake, because they will need fewer calories to fuel their now-smaller body.

Fad diets typically fail in the end. From my own personal experience, I have found that eating sensibly works best! If you want to lose weight (one pound at a time), keep it off, and feel good, too, why not try cutting down on the empty calories found in most American diets? Eat more raw vegetables and fruits and whole grains. Go easy on the fats and processed sugary or salty snacks. Limit yourself to smaller portions and avoid having second helpings. This type of diet is one that you CAN stick with and live with for the rest of your life!

Yes, you'll have to make a few lifestyle changes, and you'll have to work on being more disciplined in your eating habits. But, in the end, it will be worth it! You'll look better! You'll feel better! Your confidence will return, and you'll believe that there isn't anything that you cannot do!

Wouldn't it be worth giving up that 44-ounce Coke and that huge order of greasy French fries for a healthier, happier you? If you simply can't do without a few French fries and a Coke now and then, go ahead and treat yourself to a small serving. Cut back on calories somewhere else that day. Occasionally, it's okay to indulge. But, if you seriously want to shed the extra fat and keep it off, be conscious about everything you put into your mouth. You'll lose that weight, a pound at a time!

Note: Before beginning any weight loss program, be sure to check with your medical professional.You can also check this link  http://bit.ly/39ACBAm

Sunday 24 May 2020

        Simple Solutions for your email Marketing
Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed Read this article before you consider paying for a “get rich quick” program.
Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I’ve spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any “get rich quick” programs worth buying. I’ve been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn’t require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.
Now, I’ve seen a lot of “get rich quick” programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it’d be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I’d know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I’d make daily with their programs. Maybe you’ve already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.
I decided I’d look through the all of the “get rich quick” programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.
In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn’t care less about their customers since they didn’t offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.
I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!
Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,

                 copywriting Procedures

Within this article on copywriting procedures, we will look at how to structure your copywriting when working for a client. There has been a great deal of copywriting done through the years and it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel every time you want to write copy. We will specifically be focused upon the sales letter because this could have the greatest impact for you, especially if you decide to do SEO copywriting.

One particular school of thought speaks to making your website one large online sales letter. Continuing in this train of thought, this could present a great opportunity for you. You could write for both off-line businesses as well as for online business using the format of a sales letter. Within a sales letter, there are three main components that will make a difference whether or not your product will sell.

I-             The first component is the headline. If you do not grab your prospects’ attention right away, you will have wasted your time in developing the rest of the copy.

II-            The second component of a sales letter is the offer. This part is important as you must be explicit with the offer to give the prospect what he or she now wants. It must be something that will entice the prospect to take action upon the completion of reading the letter.

III-          The final component of a sales letter is the postscript. This is the second most read portion of a sales letter after the headline. When you are writing this, this is the extra incentive that you will be using to motivate your prospects to take advantage of the offer that you presented right away. When you are focusing upon writing a sales letter, you should take each particular step of the sales letter in order. You do not sit down and just writes a sales letter completely through but rather take it step by step. This entails writing the headline followed by writing the offer and then followed by writing the postscript. Following these copywriting procedures will ensure that you will have set yourself up for great success.

If you do not have a great deal of experience within copywriting, make sure to follow the examples of copywriting procedures set up by some of the foremost experts. One of the key authors who you should look into is Dan Kennedy. He has written some great books over the years and is a great resource for you to use.

Hopefully this article on copywriting procedures will help you in becoming a better copywriter. The key behind successful copywriting is to use the formulas that have be developed while putting your own spin on what you’re writing. Copywriting procedures are important because people have developed these in a certain method to be successful for a reason. There is no need to reinvent the wheel because this will only be frustrating for you in the long run as you’ll find that you have less sales while putting

in more effort. By taking the time to follow operating procedures, you’ll set yourself up to maximize potential sales when developing a sales letter.

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